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Let GoFrou Frou
00:00 / 04:14

About Us


This brand is a place for the misunderstood.

I’m a black creative who feels like there aren’t ENOUGH spaces for us.


Here, there is no frame or box to be put into.

I was wondering at the start of all this, how to put myself into a box that would be easily digestible for everyone. Then I realized… There is no box for us to fit into. We are so much more than the “weird black girl”


We are infinite, we are chaotic, we shake up the status quo, and we aren’t here to please. 


















My name is Mya Johnson, a 21-year-old black creative living on the east coast. After

graduating from Duke Ellington high school in 2019 from the LMC Department (Literary Media and Communications), I headed to Prince George’s community college to get a general studies degree and figure out what I truly wanted to do. What I quickly actualized was how little sense that plan made for me. I was filing money into something that was only motivated by other people's expectations, not because I genuinely wanted to get a degree. I thought that I had to get a degree to be somebody, anybody, to get anywhere, and to make my family and friends proud, leaving my true dreams and thoughts on the back burner for them. I tried to push through solely on the energy and will of others while I and my mental illnesses struggled to fit into classes that I cared nothing about.

I barely got out of bed most days.

The outside pressure was the only thing that drove me and it slowly tore me apart.

I decided school wasn’t for me at this time.

Then, came the reality of my situation; I’m 18 and still in the same place that I was born with nothing that I've made that truly represents who I am and what I can bring to this world. So much that I've done, has left me with a need to do more; To see something that finally represents all the chaos that runs rampant in my head. To finally feel like I've done something for myself.


In reality, this isn’t just for me

 it’s for anyone who feels even a little like me. 


To the ones who never feel good enough for themselves. You are loved by someone.


We’re gonna be ok.


Let’s fuck this shit up together!

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